Friday 8 June 2007

A Day of Reflection at Chantilly

I am finding that it does not take too much to impact feelings and attitudes on this whole escapade. I am writing this on the terrace of Le Pavillon Saint Hubert Hotel on the banks of the L’Oise River in Picardy. We had a great last evening meal out last night in Chantilly after travelling up from the Dordogne yesterday. Rachael and Ashley have caught a train from Chantilly to spend their last day in Paris. Yvonne is upstairs in the hotel room minding Jayden during his morning nap. It is a perfect early summer’s day and we are about 4kms from Chantilly centre and the magnificent Chateau. So why am I feeling just a bit nervous and agitated?

Might it be because for the first time in several weeks, we are catching up with news via CNN? Recently, I have just remained in touch with sporting news, rugby and tennis and have forgotten about politics. I look at the G8 coverage and “America Elections 2008” and want it to go away. Hit the off button, remember that we still have money in the bank then I get back to planning more interesting things to do. A houseboat drifts by as I finish off my Perrier.

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