Saturday 10 October 2009

Long may she reign in Briancon

This is a now good point to wind down the blog and all these tales of indulgent travel by a couple of boomers. As we prepare for the last week of our European search, some of you will note that we have still not made any decisions for a real project here in France. We continue to visit and to have our emotions aroused most times positively and other times negatively. We continue to enjoy the sights, smells and culture of this non Anglo country without being game enough to leave family and friends and to create at least half a life here. Maybe it is better to leave the situation as it is.

We like and enjoy the little nuances of day to day living here; the importance of presenting a perfect front to the world with homes of good presentation, even though if you look beyond there is a host of rubbish hidden from view. There is a cultural need for endless small talk; despite traffic behind you; despite the lengthening supermarket queue and despite the time of day. The daily community lives with boules for the village elders or non workers each afternoon; and the endless trail of people of all ages going to and from the boulangerie for their daily baguette and a chat. There is an apparent lesser focus on earning more euros than the next person to get a bigger car, house, boat etc. And then there is constant, almost child like, sense of humour as they converse with one and all.

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