Thursday 13 June 2013

Travelling with technology

The question of the moment is about the degree of communications you need to take with you when travelling. The last time we walked in France, it rained all the first day and our one mobile phone got wet and never recovered. There were no blogs and we used phone cards to make any forward bookings we needed. We got by.

We are now at the other end of the spectrum. Two smart phones, a computer and a 'need' for wireless access each night for news, banking, stocks management, weather forecasting and emails to family. Whilst it seems good to be keeping up with the technologies, we feel we have lost something along the way. Nostalgia says is was more fun back then.

In any case, we enjoyed our time in Lyons and have quickly settled back into French lifestyle. To date, we are not noticing too much impact from the GFC. The people seem much the same as before and just getting on with their lives.

This will be the last posting on this blog for a while as the focus is now on recording the walk on our other site.

And when it comes down to it, we feel very lucky to have the health and capacity to get away on trips like this.

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