Tuesday 23 July 2013

Auf Wiedersehen Germany

In my obtuse ways I find it interesting to discover just how different two people can be, even after spending 40 plus years together. Whether the differences are between the sexes, set by genes or develop as you are educated, I know not. But they exist and so might be worth a thought or two.

In our tour group the differences show up more markedly when figuring out what to do with each day, where to eat and what to eat and drink.

One of us is constantly looking for a destination and then trying to figure out how to achieve it. It is no good arising in the morning to face a blank activity or destination. It is no good turning up in a new place without a map and/or a list of things to 'achieve'. To be contrary, another one in the group is more focussed on 'doing' something. This can be as simple as having a coffee 'over there' or, recently, just finding a convenient spot on the Rhine to watch the world economy in action.

One of us is a 'communicator'. Arriving at a new hotel means first checking for wifi, then internet, then skype/viber and if that fails then what is on the TV? Another one in the group wants to drop the bags and head off into the place, lay some territorial markers and see if there is anything to report.

One of us wants to know what everything is on the menu before thinking about what we could possibly drink and/or eat. Another one in the group will order a soft drink/wine/beer according to mood and then scan the menu to see if anything can be recognised/translated and once satisfied then will forget about the rest of the menu.

How could we be so different after all this time together?

Today we spent almost all of the day on the train systems from Koblenz to Geneva. One of us was happy enough dozing off from time to time as there was little to do. This one jumped into action when we had to change trains, quickly identifying timings and platforms to get to. Another in the group thought he was leading this activity too. But times and responsibilities have changed now that one of us has travelled alone to the deep North of Scotland.

Maybe the other one in the group will change a bit too. The travel computer is the point where our worlds meet and so far he has retained control. But for how long?

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