Thursday 1 August 2013

Joseph showed us Carinthia

One of the many photo shoots in front of Hochosterwitz Borg

In between discovering and catching up with past connections our Austrian Professor friend tried to show us his region of Austria in one and a half days.

An artisan working on the Swiss Guards armour at Hochosterwitz Borg
Eating was not on his agenda until our mission was accomplished. We survived on cold drinks, picked up when we could as the weather has been and still is very hot. 40 degrees was predicted today and they already had 40 degrees last week!

New  viewing tower at Pyramidenkogel

Worthersee  lake in Carinthia from Pyramidenkogel

Towards the end of the afternoon and after we had toured the new viewing tower at Pyramidkogel, we finished the day with a visit to the chapel and church on Maria Worth Island on Lake Worthersee.

One of the absolutely amazing skies you see
These few pics come from our own photos and the 2000+ that we have been given and music to accompany these pictures. Overwhelming!

View from our balcony after a storm had cleared the heat haze.
We felt like we were living on top of the world as it was 7 kms up the mountain of zig zag roads to our accommodation, even though that was not at the top of the mountain. Pictures cannot do justice to the 180 degree view we had each day.

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