Friday 26 September 2014

Urban Urbino 2014 style

There is no shortage of helpful people around in Italy, especially in train stations. Just one hesitation or glance around from someone who looks non Italian and bingo, a friendly face appears and help could be on the way.

Thanks in no part to such help we are now happily located just outside the walled city of Urbino, our only tourist stop on our way to the port city of Ancona and thence Greece. Our latest helper emerged in the 10 level bus/shopping/parking centre perched on the edge of Urbino as we were looking for our local bus stop and to get to our hotel. He followed us for a bit but disappeared when we asked a shopkeeper for directions.

Urbino is a walled city and has had a university for many years. Birthplace of painter Raphael it has a nice relaxed feel about it and we had a good day just wandering through the city and enjoying the ducal castle and some of the art here. The locals and many students were enjoying the sunshine today and there was no sense of urgency in life.

 The weather has remained on our side and it is just a tad cool as we are up in the hills from the Adriatic coastal strip. There are a few tourists about although most are Italian.

It is good to be part of places where people are just making their way in life and apparently enjoying the lifestyle they have. No political beat ups evident so far, just ordinary people living normal lives.

1 comment:

Geraldine said...

What a great start to your holiday. From the photos it looks as though the weather is being kind. Your blog is great-keep the posts coming. Lovely spring weather here today for the Family Day public holiday. Keep enjoying a wonderful trip.