Wednesday 26 July 2017

Le Tour de Denmark 2017

After singing in the rain during the first day warm up dash around Mon, we were ready for anything the Danes could throw our way on riding day 2.

Sometime on early Monday morning we were anchored in the small port of Koge on the large island of Zealand.  The day was clear if cloudy as the peloton set off for the day. Distance was about 50 kms and we were across the line and heading for Copenhagen and our rest day by late afternoon. And yes the terrain was flat enough with about the right amount of undulation to keep us in touch with any breakaways.  The hamlets were cute here and equestrian places were aplenty. We enjoyed the day immensely. We had earned this early rest day as we finished the day at Roskilde, and after a brief walk around this Viking town and a coffee, we took a train into Copenhagen. There, after spending a few minutes teaming up with several of our Swiss and German team mates we were mixing it with the locals and heading for the harbour and the boat. 'Atlantis' was very conveniently anchored in the harbour across from the opera house and next to the Royal palaces.

For the rest day we spent time looking over the Royal museum-learning quite a bit on how this family had remained in influence and power by renting or marrying off family members to Greece and Russia particularly. We then managed to squeeze in the Danish design museum, the Amber museum, a look inside the opera house, and a bite at what we might call grunge city, a place on the water edge full of locals enjoyimg the afternoon sun and multicultural snacks. We enjoyed the day.

And as this was a multitalented tour, we spent the next day heading for Stromso and enjoying a lunch on deck and some sailing. Those who felt that they had something left to prove climbed the rigging to the mast tops. We did not!

On riding day three we covered almost all of Stromso at about 60 kms and by now G1 had the bike tuned for peak performance as she raced over the roads and tracks snapping pics as she went. The weather was almost clear and by mid afternoon the boat was heading back south, under 'The Bridge' around 11pm (an eerie experience in almost foggy conditions) and we had made the island of Funen by around 5am.

Riding day 4 was also a good one and by now we were getting the picture of life on these islands. Quiet little hamlets of neat and tidy houses snuggled down into the environment. Plenty of potato farms and also fruit growing going on.  Pretty little ports that are also fully functional places enabling the sea connections and transportation. And wind farms or stand alone generators all over, birds chirping! Farming and life going on as normal. No one staggering around the place complaining about bird losses or odd illnesses here.  On this day we rode from the port town of Nyborg and finished in Svenborg, both healthy looking places.

For our final ride we were on the island of Aero and up for the traditional celebratory ride through the mobs lining the route.  A final sprint into Soby port and we were done. Yellow jumpers all round.

By around 6pm we were dealing with stiff winds and strong seas heading back into Kiel. We were not happy campers that evening.  We ate little if anything as we chased our plates around the table and steadied ourselves, hanging in there. But by midnight we were back into more sheltered waters and into the harbour a little later.

After a few final chats with new friends we packed the haversacks and tramped off into the morning drizzle heading for Hamburg, our next adventure awaiting.

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