Friday 18 September 2009

Summer is ending

Last weekend we enjoyed an evening concert in the monster cathedral at Albi. An orchestra from Prague, 4 soloist singers and a combined choir of 130+ gave a rendition of works by Dvorak. Although such concerts are held during summer in France, and over Europe, this one is slightly later than most and so were able to see it. In these parts, the grape harvest is now in full swing and local villages are having their last clean up before winter through local trash and treasure events (Vide Grenier). We don’t go to Belconnen or Woden trash markets so we don’t go here either. The goods look to be much the same here as in Australia.

And as quick as a flash, summer is fading away. From 30 degrees plus last week, we are now into the mid to low 20s. Some clearing light fog in the mornings as RDK jogs his way along the local back roads and the evenings close in a bit more each day. Some heavy rain further south last night drowned the European soccer in Marseille and flooded Cannes, so we hope that is gone by the time we reach Provence on Saturday.

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