Friday 2 October 2009

Our fellow travellers are departing now

Tonight (Friday) we have now sent Ben and Sarah on their way home with Ben relieved that he will be home for the ARL thugs get together on Sunday. Well no one is perfect.
We have been very surprised to have the weather hold out so well for us and after having to rug up only a few times in Scandinavia over August, we are wondering why we have brought so much winter gear. Perhaps we should venture back into the Alps soon to find a bit of cool weather before heading back to Oz.
But, as we know, we are perhaps fortunate to be here at all and our day to day challenges remain small and insignificant in the scheme of things.


lynton & julie said...

well well just caught up on all your posts....sounds idyllic? especially that description of St Tropez and the boomers just lazing on their boats etc...reckon i could picture myself there also. Is there an affordable golf course nearby?? Here's an idea randall, how about you stake some of your super and set up house there and we would definately come visit :-)
Looking forward to catching up on your return.

Randall and Yvonne said...

Asa matter of fact Lynton, we were living in range of at least 4 golf courses so that would not be a problem. Need to speak to Yvonne about spending her super though.