Wednesday 2 August 2017

Dazzling Duo in Deutschland -Dawdling in Dinkelsbuhl

Day three of the walk is complete as we arrived around 1.30 pm after just 14 kms today, our shortest day. Overall the weather has been hot at around 30 degrees by early afternoon. So with plenty of humidity too, we have generally arrived ready for a few long drinks in the beer gardens.  The other two days have been just under 20 kms which is plenty for us in general. Our accommodation has all been great as most German accommodation is. Our hosts have been all been friendly and some good cooks too.

We had a few testy moments at the start when leaving Rothenburg due to the number of walks signposted and just getting used to the translated notes we are using. But now we have the system worked out and the markings are really quite good.  For most of the time we are on very small secondary roads or tracking through the wonderful forests. People are few, the hamlets seem mostly empty and we have crossed paths with just three fellow walkers over the three days thus far.

Cyclists are reasonably frequent when we are on roads.  But we are yet to pass any places with open cafe type facilities. Just as well we are taking cut lunches to keep us going.

Dinkelsbuhl is a gem so we are making the most of our extra time here. A great little walled city, not many tourists about and a good relaxed feel.  Tomorrow is our longest day at around 24 kms so we have to be on the ball a little earlier if we are to get in by dark.

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