Saturday 18 August 2007

A new Discovery

Again thanks to Catholic persecution around 1200-1300 and again because of protection from the Count of Toulouse at the time, we are now able to visit and enjoy the town of Cordes-sur-ciel. A classic movie set for a medieval movie complete with long winding uphill trek through a double layer of walls to find at the top a covered market place, square with a great panorama of the surrounding countryside. It also seems that the artistic community is first to “discover” these places and to set up their workshops and small shops. A big magnet for one,Yvonne Kingsley. We had a very pleasant lunch outdoors under the big roof of the covered market, interrupted by several knights on horseback and their wenches as they publicized a jousting festival being held that afternoon. So of course we had to see all the little shops before winding our way back down through the town. An enjoyable visit.

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