Friday 10 August 2007

Summer Entertainment

On the other hand, we have enjoyed some of the entertainment that happens around the place over the summer breaks; a nice couple of hours of opera singing in Chauvigny, a great concert of swing jazz also in Chauvigny and a performance of African dancing and singing in La Puye (small village).

We are yet to master the art of being in the right place at the right time so we have missed a couple of open air operas that were just that bit too far away to comfortably get to. Next time.


Keith & Lynne said...

Randall & Yvonne,

Continues to be a great blog which we follow with interest. Noticed a change in tone recently maybe it is the change in the weather, location or empty nest. Appreciate the comment on the gites as it helps with planning a similar trip in the future.
Tell the lad not to worry there really is life after 60.

Randall and Yvonne said...

Two things have happened we think. We are back in the South where things seem to be slow enough for little ol me to keep up and the weather has stabilised a bit.

Not sure about life after 60 yet. Someone else is advising me to get a seniors card but seems a little too early yet to be claiming proof that the clock has moved on.