Friday 14 September 2007

The Little Guys win sometimes

In our time here we have also caught up with our reading and relaxing. Yvonne thinks our gite is a more like a cave than a house but hermit Randall is very relaxed here and after downloading a heap more from the ABC this week, he has been happy enough to listen to the radio programs he likes. The internet gets better and better each day from that perspective.

As expected, things back in Australia gradually continue to evolve, politicians carry on being politicians, farmers and primary producers continue to winge about their lot, shares go up and down and we continue to follow along behind George W and his ilk. We are very grateful to be spending at least part of our lives away from the negative aspects of life down under. This week, and in common with many of the spectators, we enjoyed seeing little Tonga give the US Eagle a kick up the Rugby butt. Despite Yvonne falling foul of the body and bag search on entry during which she lost her bottle of hand gel. Much cursing as we made our way to our seats. You have your good moments and then your not so good moments. We wonder if security will be same for the next game we go to between Tonga and Samoa?

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