Friday 14 September 2007

Pic Saint Loup

After almost five months on the move we are now very much into routine. We have lived day to day in the quite different culture of France. We have taken opportunities to be tourists and checked out the local tourist happenings, museums, galleries and gastronomy. We have tried to see ourselves spending at least a part of our remaining lives here and we have discussed a range of activities that we might take on next. We have been very conservative in our approach to things and we have not made any decisions for future ventures here.

The weather is now turning towards Autumn. The evenings are now starting before 9pm and we are very much missing our late afternoon 10pm+ strolls around town. Randall has pushed back his 7 am jogs around the countryside to 7.30. He is also a bit wary down here of becoming a hunting trophy as the locals are into early morning hunts in the local forests where he jogs, even if there is no chance he could be mistaken as a startled gazelle.

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