Friday 14 September 2007

PonT Diable

And so we are now coasting towards the end of our time in France and starting to look towards returning to Australia. We did leave some free time in mid October for follow up on actions but we have parked these and will be flying out a little earlier than planned. World Cup Rugby will finish on 20 October and we leave France on 21 October.

In the meantime, we are here in the south to allow Randall to enjoy a bit of Rugby. Yvonne has been patiently window shopping, keeping in touch with family and friends, enjoying new sights, eternally judging people for their origins, motives and reasons for being here.

Our location here could be described as idyllic in many ways, despite the very dry and rocky conditions. We are deep into wine growing country and grapes are being harvested; mainly by machines. The wine is fine without being the highest quality. We come across tractors towing harvested grapes to the cooperatives daily. Nevertheless there is not much change in the slower pace of life in these parts. The villages and smaller towns shut up for lunch and Mondays. The old men have their chats in the centre of town late mornings and then play boules later in the day. Occasionally the boules also include a few women, especially when the game involves a younger crowd. Pic Saint Loup is a very prominent natural feature here and we are in a hamlet just a few kilometers away in St Croix Quintillargues. Life here is much the same as it ever was.

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