Wednesday 26 August 2009

End of the line

Today it is over as we leave Richard to return to Bergen without us. It looks like most people are leaving him too but it is a little difficult to tell as there are excursions happening from Kirkiness at the same time as other buses are loading up victims to be flown out. This has been a great experience but we have also become somewhat used to just going with the flow.
Someone else to plan where we will go today. Someone else to drive the transport. Someone else to decide what to eat. Someone else to clean up the accommodation. And someone else to decide where to stop for a visit and how long we will stay there.
So it is well past the time for us to move on.
We will turn a corner today in several ways. From Kirkiness we will start the long haul back south towards the Arctic circle and beyond. Also it is our 38th wedding anniversary today and the start of yet another year together. Still great friends after all these years!!

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