Saturday 22 August 2009

The view in Trondheim is quite Scandinavian

The new uni year is starting as we check out the historically significant cathedral of Trondheim. The new generation of Norwegians put on a display for the wandering crowds whilst we walk back to the Richard With for our trip into the Arctic circle.
Randall is now a bit more constrained than usual as internet connectivity is somewhat limited and slow on board the Richard With. A couple of sessions to update emails are just enough to keep us up to date. We do notice the triviality of Aussie politics and wish that Kev could just stop grandstanding and talking and start actually doing something. It is easy enough to spend other people’s money to buy votes but another thing to take difficult decisions in trying economic times. From up here in this part of the globe, there seems to be more to life than pursuing the folly of Afghanistan, racist based immigration policies and denying man’s influence on the environment, including Australia’s collusion with the greedy set.

But hey; a short visit to beautiful Rorvik beckons so I must finish off now and put on my polar bear fleece and get some exercise in before dining on some more of that tasty whale.

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