Sunday 9 August 2009

Finding somewhere to eat with locals

And so we walked past the canal and around the corner to the national playhouse where an older crowd were relaxing in their chairs along the quay drinking mainly beer bought from a nearby bar. More like our scene so we did the right thing and joined in watching the canal tour boats going by. The new opera house was a pleasant site across the river.

From there we took a local ferry “bus” along the river to the old fortress where we walked around for a while, before deciding to have an early meal here far from the madding crowd. Our friendly Danish waiter from down town Melbourne told us a few of the joys of living in Denmark (with his girl friend of course) before we took our leave and headed home. We were up with the sparrows this morning so these two boomers were slowing down rapidly as the sky started to darken around 9 pm.

Amazingly, the next day (Sunday) we found out that friends Yvonne and George had lunch at the same place and had been served by the same waiter. Quel coincidence

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