Saturday 19 September 2009

Stimulated in the move south

It is one thing to take a walk in the countryside and park under a tree with a baguette and a newspaper and another thing to pack your current life up to drive into another world.
Yesterday we left an overcast Tarn department and after just a couple of hours we were sitting in a nice portside restaurant in Meze which is just off the sea, not far from the busy Mediterranean port of Sete. We enjoyed a pecillada of fresh cuttle fish, prawns and sea bass. Nice weather, relaxed environment and a pleasant break from the 130 kph flash down the autoroute out of Toulouse.
Then later in the day we were sitting in one of about 22 wide queues on the autoroute de soliel patiently waiting to pay the money to rejoin the other racers on the autoroute. I think I won at least part of the race although Italian registered cars occasionally got the better of me.
After yet another visit to the supermarket we climbed up into the hills behind Cannes to find our next gite and to settle into the world of the Riviera where we will live for the next 14 days.


Unknown said...

Hi Randall
We really enjoy reading your blog entries and have plenty of questions for you upon your return. If I had known that you were visiting northern Norway I would have arranged for the relies to provide accommodation, meals and entertainment!! Markets here still on the rise and I'm back in - time for you to get out!!. Carl

The Lanes said...

That looks like a great lifestyle!

Randall and Yvonne said...

The market is doing just fine but did sneak a little profit in ANZ this week-just before they announced a buy out of Dan's ING interests. And for Charlie's parents,GD is just seeking the same sort of lifestyle as Charlie. ie lying back and just yell for food and drink occasionally. Works for Charlie so why not for me.