Sunday 17 May 2015


You sometimes hear 'The world is getter smaller all the time". Does not seem so as even with the A380 to help, it is still the same long distance to return to the European civilization. Nevertheless we turned up in reasonably good condition and have squeezed ourselves back into our small but comfortable Parisian hotel in the 15e. We have reconnected to the lifestyle and have continued our tapering programme in preparation for our walk in the Dordogne.  A recovery stop on our first afternoon was Rodin's back yard.  Museum in renovation at this time.

After a nice and easy breakfast Saturday close by to Bastille we duly wandered through the Place Des Vosges and then spent most of the rest of the day in the 2e and 3e arrondisements just reconnecting with Paris. The occasional stop for a bite to eat or a drink.  We were re-adjusting to the close dining habits of Paris and the necessity of keeping up with the flows of humanity on the streets. The weather is a touch cooler than anticipated with a hint of late Spring rains about.

 It was European open museum day so we visited the Musee Carnavalet and learned some more Parisian history, especially about some sort of Revolution they had here, an executed King (hmm-might be idea to get our Republic into place back home-about the only way it is going to happen in my lifetime I expect) and the Congress of Vienna, now 200 years ago.

Saturday evening we dined locally at Le Volant restaurant to find that the man that formerly owned the place had died since we were last there around 1984. This is part of life apparently. There were some locals there too and with Aussie and American visitors in an overflowing place we enjoyed our meal and the repartee with the Polonaise waitresses. Their French was surprisingly good.

Sunday we ventured out into the Bois de Boulogne area to check out the new Louis Vitton museum designed by Frank Gehry. Yes an impressive building but the art collection was a tad too modern for the budding artist of the group. Back into town for an impressive lunch at a spot along Avenue Wagram and then we drifted down past the Grand Palais until we reached the Seine and from there it was a pleasant and sunny walk along past the ever busy Bateaux Mouches and then home. A cool drink to complete the day and now time to think about getting the train out of here to Brive La Gaillarde and then into the Dordogne. We are ready for it now.

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