Wednesday 6 June 2018

Do muddy conditions bother old men

 Just a brief note for now on Randall's walk. After two days we are in Varzi, the only town along the route. Two quite long days but no rain which has been helpful. 

Randall shed almost 10 kilograms in the lead up but he remains towards the back of the pack as far as fitness is concerned. Almost all of the others have done the right thing and trained up for what has been called a 'walkers walk'.

Very muddy underfoot for over 5 hours on each of the first two days certainly tested our starting fitnesses. We are headed for the coast but all have remarked on just how green the whole area is. Tuscany without the crowds is how the locals have told us.

Big views, rolling hills, quiet residential places are not too many people.

Two sets of old boots have been sacrificed to the walking gods already. Throw in a stay at a great Roman villa for the first night and then more rustic stops after that and we are in enraptured by the experiences.

Quiet areas, mud as ever underfoot, too many old jokes from old jokers and you might guess what we feel as we go along.

The views are expansive and endless.

But some one has to do these things so why not Randall?

And who knows? Maybe the painter will provide her own blog on how she is doing?

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