One of the things that travel does is
broaden your experience of how people live in places other than your
homeland. And if you combine travel with another living experience
such as painting then effects multiply. So as Yvonne's experiences
deepen, expectations increase. And they were not quite met this year
it seems.
So to deal with the negatives first.
Having an artist/teacher with a focus on mixed media and with Yvonne
being a dedicated water colour painter there was always potential for
disappointment. There was only one other like minded water painting soul in the
group and they both felt that they did not gain a lot from the tuition.
However many sketches in the four towns
visited were obtained for future works on Yvonne's return to
Australia should that eventuate.
The group of people were great
including the two 'painting partners' who came along to have
some fun. Many discussions took place within the group over the week
on a great number of subjects.
Apart from exploring and sketching in
Montefalco the group visited Bevagna, Assissi and Yvonne's favourite,
Spello, a town of art and flowers. A local guide accompanied them on
a tour of Montefalco including the Museum to see the frescoes by
Benozzo Gozzoli (1450:1452) which Andrew Graham-Dixon raved about in
'Italy unpacked”.
As well a local guide took them on a
tour of Assisi including a visit to the beautiful Basilica Saint
Francis, which went way to long! The week also included dinner at a
wonderful local restaurant and a wine tasting. You might ask did this
group leave time enough for painting?
All in all a most enjoyable week. Yes it is
sometimes tough for world wandering artists.
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