Saturday 23 May 2015

Now we only have half left

Ahhhhh!  She said 'rest' so we rested. Now we are tucked up in our chateau keeping company with Eurovision Song Contest. Searched for the Aussie leader of Tour of Italy to find no one and so we must rely on Guy Sebastian to carry colours over the line.

All is well in our team. Day 4 was a tad shorter than the others and we seem to be either running low on hills or we are stronger. Enjoyed our rest day with a late breakfast then a short leg stretch around the suburb on the edge of Perigueux. Apart from a few elephants, camels and zebras living down the end of our street, this is rural France as it ever was.  The weather continues to improve and we are hopeful that it will not get too hot.

We did manage to join up with another GR heading from Vezelay to Spain so we met up with a few pilgrims on their way south, one claiming to have walked 26 kms that day so far. We had covered about 10 to 12 kms so maybe he needed to get to Santiago de Compostella for confession!!! Happily none were heading our way for long.

The French people we meet have all been very friendly.  Some curiosity with strangers. Some wonderment that Australians can speak French so well. Most of our meals have been outstanding and the wine is good and light-as we like it.

Now on to Brantome tomorrow, the Venice of the Dordogne.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Proud to be Australian today and to have Guy represent us so well in Eurovision! Not so proud to now be the only English speaking country in the western world who has not legalised gay marriage. Looking forward to the next update and some pictures. X